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Native American Indigenous Church, Inc. (NAIC) 

(A Private, Not for Profit, Religious/ Church, Education and Health Care Membership Organization) 


For membership fee paid in hand, I do hereby apply for membership in NAIC, a private Native American Religious education and health care membership organization. With the signing  of this membership agreement I/we accept the offer made to become a member of NAIC and have read and agree with the following  Declaration of Purpose from Article I of NAIC Articles of Association. 


1. This NAIC hereby declares that our main objective is to protect our rights to practice Native American spiritual traditions and freedom of choice regarding our health information and care, through maintaining our Constitutional rights. 


2. As members, we affirm our belief that the Constitution of the United States is one of the best documents ever devised by man and  the signers of the Declaration of Independence did so out of love for their country. We believe that the First Amendment of the  Constitution of the United States of America guarantees our members the rights of free speech, petition, assembly, and the right to  gather together for the lawful purpose of advising and helping one another in asserting our rights under the Federal and State Constitutions and Statutes. We strive to maintain and improve the civil rights, constitutional guarantees, and freedom of choice in  health care and political freedom of every member and citizen of the UnitedStates of America. 


3. We declare the basic right of all of our members to select practitioners and teachers from our number who could be expected to give  wisest counsel, support and advice concerning the need for spiritual, physical and mental health care assistance and to select from our  membership those members who are the most skilled to assist and facilitate the actual performance and delivery of Traditional,  Indigenous, Familial, Native American Healing, Ceremony and Sacrament, included and not limited to Yoga, Yoga Therapy,  SomaVeda, Thai Yoga, Thai Massage, Nuad Boran, care sessions, programs and or related, and suggest products, diet, electronic  instruments and subtle energy devices, as well bio-energetic, Pranic, Reiki, emotional, mental, or other Chirothesia, religious, spirtual,  mental, emotional and or physical indigenous based healing methods approved by NAIC. 


4. We proclaim the freedom to choose and perform for ourselves the types of indigenous healing ceremonial, sacramental and or  evolving traditional modalities that we think best for achieving and maintaining optimum wellness of our minds, emotions, spirits  and bodies. We proclaim and reserve the right to include Traditional Native American and Indigenous “Earth Based” health options  that include but are not limited to cutting edge modalities practiced or used by any types of healers or practitioners the world over  whether traditional or nontraditional, evolving, conventional or unconventional. 


5. More specifically, the mission of The NAIC is to provide members with the highest level of quality care and the most effective  methods of care. Our NAIC understands that wellness has many dimensions and strives every day to stay on the leading edge of new  products and technology. The organization provides advanced training, education, products and technologies for assessing a member’s  health and provides the most effective care at an affordable fee. More specifically, the organization specializes in the selling of sacred  food, sacred and sacramental nutritional substances/supplements and other products on the wholesale and retail markets and offers  electronic instruments to these markets as support concerning the NAIC ministry and modalities of service and benefits to members. 


6. The NAIC will accept and authorize/ recognize any person (irrespective of race, color, or religion) who is in accordance with these  principles and policies as a member, and will provide a medium through which its individual members may associate for actuating  and bringing to fruition the purposes here to fore declared. 


We understand that the fellow members of the NAIC that provide ministry, education and care do so in the capacity of a fellow members and not in the capacity as a secular or State licensed health care provider. We further understand that within the association no  doctor-patient relationship exists but only a private, ecclesiastical/ confessional, privileged member to member religious  organization and relationship. In addition, We have freely chosen to change our legal status as a public person or patient to a private  member of the NAIC in order to receive, practice and exchange services with other NAIC members. We further  understand that it is entirely our own responsibility to consider the advice and recommendations offered to us by my fellow NAIC  members and to educate ourselves as to the efficacy, risks, and desirability of same and the acceptance of the offered or recommended  program, care and products is our own carefully considered decision. 


Any request by us to a fellow member to assist us or provide us with the aforementioned care is our own free decision in an exercise  of our rights and made by us for our benefit and We agree to hold the Director(s), Ministers, Healers, Medicine Persons however they  are titled, staff and other worker members and the NAIC harmless from any unintentional liability for the results of such care,  except for harm that results from instances of a clear and present danger of substantive evil as determined by the NAIC, as stated and  defined by the United States Supreme Court. Members have the right to choose whomever within the NAIC Member Association is  best qualified for their particular need and practice.  


In addition, We understand that since the NAIC is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, it is  outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and State Agencies and Authorities concerning any and all complaints or grievances  against the NAIC, any Director(s), members or other staff persons. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an NAIC  Committee of Elders/ Ministers and will be waived by the member for the benefit of the NAIC and its members. Privacy and security  of church membership records maintained within the NAIC and all religious organizations have been held to be inviolate by the U.S.  Supreme Court. We agree that violation of any waivers in this membership contract will result in a no contest legal proceeding against  me. In addition, the NAIC does not participate in any medical insurance plans or collections on behalf of the member. 


I/ We agree to join the NAIC, a private Native American religious/ church membership organization/ association under common law,  whose members seek to help each other achieve better health and live longer with good quality of life through principles of  Indigenous, Traditional, Native American Medicine, healing and wellness practices and traditions, as well as Indigenous traditional  therapies such as, but not limited to Ayurveda, SomaVeda, Thai Yoga and Thai Massage as well as any other indigenous, traditional,  native, tribal, natural, non-invasive, holistic art and science for healing approved for use within the NAIC. 

We understand that the providers who are fellow members of the NAIC are offering I/ me advice, services, and benefits that do not  necessarily conform to conventional medical care. I do not expect these benefits to include on-call coverage, hospital care, or the usual  and customary care provided by most physicians. We will receive such primary and specialist care elsewhere. We fully understand that  the benefits we receive from NAIC are probably not covered by my health insurance and not at all by Medicare. 


As a member, I/ we accept the goals of helping my body function better and choosing techniques that are both very safe and have a  reasonably good chance to succeed, realizing that no evaluation technique or remedy is foolproof. If we choose to forgo drugs,  surgery, or radiation that has been recommended to me by others, we fully accept the risk that we might suffer serious consequences  from that choice. Other aspects of informed consent will take place in our discussions with the providers and our fellow members of  the NAIC. Our activities within the NAIC are a private religious matter and practice of participation that we refuse to share with the  State Medical Board, the FDA, Medicare, Medicaid or my own insurance company without our expressed specific permission. All  records and documents remain as property of the Association, even if we receive a copy of them. We fully agree not to file a  malpractice lawsuit against a fellow member of NAIC or any branch or subsidiary, unless that member has exposed us to a clear and  present danger of substantive evil. We acknowledge that the members of the NAIC are not required to and do not carry malpractice  insurance. 

We enter into this agreement of our own free will or on behalf of my dependent without any pressure or promise of cure. We  affirm that we do not represent any state or federal agency whose purpose is to deprive, violate or infringe in our established rights (Ti tle 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law) we have read and understood this document, and my  questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction. We understand that we can withdraw from this agreement and terminate  our membership in this NAIC Association at any time. These pages and Article I of the Articles of the Association, The Code of  Ethics and specific NAIC membership rules for each and every level being applied for, consist of the entire agreement for our  membership in the Association, and they supersede any previous agreement. 


We understand that the membership donation (whether paid or waived) entitles me to receive those benefits declared by the association  director(s) to be “general benefits” free of further charge. We agree to pay all fees for services, exchanges or courses as agreed upon  ourselves and any Minister/ Practitioner/ Therapists/Teacher level members we choose to make agreements with.We have paid  membership dues appropriate to our level of membership as consideration for our membership contract, said term beginning with the  date of the signing of our membership agreement, subject to annual renewal, and by these presents do hereby certify, attest and war rant that we have carefully read the above and foregoing NAIC Articles for the Association, and fully understand and agree with same. 


I enter into this agreement of my own free will or on behalf of my dependent without any pressure or promise of cure. I affirm that  I do not represent any state or federal agency whose purpose is to regulate the practice of medicine. I have read and understood this  document, and my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction. I understand that I can withdraw from this agreement and  terminate my membership in NAIC at any time. These pages and Article I of the Articles of the Association consist of the entire agree meant for my membership in the NAIC Association, and they supersede any previous agreement.

I understand that the membership donation entitles me to receive those benefits declared by the NAIC Page 3 of  3 director(s) to be “general benefits” free of further charge. I agree to pay all fees for services, exchanges or courses as agreed upon  myself and Authorized Basic, Full, Minister/ Practitioner/ Therapists/Teacher, Commissioned and or NAIC Licensed level members. 


I enclose the sum of $10.00 as donation/ consideration for my Authorized Participant, membership contract, said term beginning with  the date of the signing of this contract, subject to annual renewal, and by these presents do hereby certify, attest and warrant that I have  carefully read the above and foregoing NAIC Contractual Application for Membership,and I fully understand and agree with same.   


Native American Indigenous Church, Inc. (NAIC) 

(A Native American,  

Private, Not for Profit, Tribal Organization, Religious/ Church, Education and Health Care Membership Organization) 



PLEASE NOTE: NAIC Authorized Participant Memership (APM) is PRIVATE. Your APM will not be posted or published in any way accessible to the public or any authority. It establishes your private rights under NAIC ecclesiastical jurisdiction to participate in and  receive/ exchange services with other NAIC minister/ practitioners/ therapist/ counselors and members only. 

To ensure the best possible experience for our practitioners and to prioritize your well-being during your session, we kindly request that you observe a waiting period of at least 72 hours after receiving any recent vaccinations, such as those for flu, COVID, shingles, or any other immunizations, before attending your scheduled appointment.

When booking don't forget to log in or create a free member profile.

You will not be able to book without creating a member profile.


First time members:

 after creating your member profile, you will need to go back to the booking your next appointment button to finish booking. 


If you have any problems please call us at 513-818-3011 and we are happy to assist. 

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Tranquility Rising

10999 Reed Hartman Highway

Suite 226

Blue Ash, Ohio 45242


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